Herniated Disc

Herniated Disc

The disc is located between the vertebrae of the spine. The function of the disc is to support the spine and provide shock absorption to withstand the strain on the spine. As the disc decays, bulging can occur. This bulge can press on the nerves in the spinal cord, causing, for example, radiating pain in the buttocks or leg.

A Herniated Disc occurs mainly in people who are inactive, have unstable backs, or who strain their backs in the wrong position. Disc degeneration also occurs with age, and age-related degeneration is common in 50% of cases in patients over 50 years of age. Disc herniation can also occur without any symptoms. These types of cases are commonly found in people aged 25-50 who work physically demanding jobs.

What to do in the case of acute herniated disc

  • Try to do your everyday chores.
  • Take pain medication in the beginning so that you can move as much possible within your pain tolerance.