Cervicogenic headache

What is a cervicogenic headache?

Cervicogenic headache refers to pain caused by the skeletal structures and stiff muscles of the cervical spine. Moving your neck often increases headaches. Cervicogenic headache is usually caused by long-term dysfunction of the upper neck, such as poor posture.

What are the symptoms of a cervicogenic headache?

The cervicogenic headache is one-sided and feels dotted in different areas of the head. Symptoms are usually perceived to be moderate or significant in intensity, mild nausea may occur, but vomiting is not a symptom. Typically, there are unilateral restrictions on movement in the neck and reflective pain in the shoulder and arm. The constant static position of the head or strain and movements of the neck exacerbate the pain.

How can a cervicogenic headache be treated?

According to research, moderately strenuous endurance exercise e.g. walking with relaxed hand movements and step walking combined with specific exercises that improve posture and neck posture management work better than medication. Training relaxes the muscles of the neck and shoulders and improves their blood circulation and oxygen supply. By appropriately administering movement and load, local pain is relieved. Endurance training has a broader pain-relieving effect on the body as endorphin production increases.

You will receive individual instructions from a physiotherapist to start exercising.