Shoulder and neck pain

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What is shoulder pain?

Does shoulder pain interfere with everyday life? Do you have difficulty sleeping at night? Is putting on a shirt and blow-drying your hair painful and have you had to give up your favorite hobby because of the pain? Shoulder pain is very common in Finland as one out of three people suffer from it.


What are the causes of shoulder pain?

Shoulder problems can start gradually and be due to a frozen shoulder joint or be the result of an accident such as a dislocation or fracture of the shoulder. Pain may be caused by structural factors in the shoulder, such as joint stenosis or looseness, i.e., an unstable shoulder joint. Shoulder problems are usually associated with restrictions in joint movement, pain while moving and/or resting, and pain while sleeping.

The most common cause of shoulder pain is due to tendon problems, such as tendinitis. As you age, tendon problems become more common, and about a quarter of those in their 60s and half of those in their 80s have a tendon-rupture. The most common shoulder disorder is known as degenerative rotator cuff disorder.

Treatment of shoulder pain

According to current treatment practices, shoulder pain cases are treated without surgery through therapeutic practice. Strengthening the circulatory muscles that move from the shoulder joint and the muscles that attach to the scapula can often reduce pain and improve shoulder function. Good posture has a preventive effect on the development of shoulder problems.

With the unique training equipment of the Nordic Health Center, the movement can be directed safely and painlessly in small doses to the shoulder structures. As metabolism improves with increasing resistance, shoulder functionality and endurance are restored.

Neck pain

What is neck pain?

Neck pain is a very common ailment that has become more prevalent in women under 55 and men under 45. The pain may feel local to the neck area or sometimes it may spread to the head, arms and fingers, or upper back. Radiating pain in the arms and fingers may be a sign that the nerve root is compressed.


What are the causes of neck pain?

Muscle tension in the neck and shoulders as a result of physical and/or mental exertion is the most common cause of neck pain. Tension headaches can be caused by awkward postures, such as working with your hands raised for a long time, doing repetitive movements at work, or doing certain hobbies. The least common cause of neck pain are injuries, the most typical of which are whiplash injuries of the neck that are often the result of a crash or other accident. Other less common factors include inflammatory conditions of the neck, cervical abrasion and root canal stenosis, or cervical interstitial bulge.

Spinal structural changes, examined with imaging methods (magnetic or X-ray), such as a slipped disc, are usually not associated with symptoms. Disc herniation is generally treated without surgery unless significant neural changes are observed in the examination. Injuries and inflammatory conditions often require further investigation.

How is neck pain treated?

Regular exercise and properly maintaining muscle strength are important factors in preventing and treating neck pain. Especially for prolonged neck pain, exercise is the primary form of treatment because exercise can affect muscle metabolism and structure. When properly dosed and performed correctly, the exercises reduce the tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulder area. Book an appointment for a safe and effective neck rehabilitation program.